Saturday, August 15, 2009

Compassion Counts...

I really have always recognized the importance of keeping bonds and "relationships" with my animals. I find that not only will they live a much longer, happier, and more productive life but I am able to enjoy getting up and taking care of them each and every day.

There is no doubt whatsoever that I do not get mad at my animals. Nearly every day I am frustrated by an event that may seem so mere to others. I find that dealing with these simple things are harder than some people might think. The thing that is always reassuring is that at the end of the day your animals still love you - regardless.

My animals know who I am, and what I do for them every single day. They truly do appreciate it no matter how many times they escape the fence, or dump the milk pail. It is innocence and appreciation of them that makes me respect them so much.

In the end I think that a happier animal produces a much better product. Our girl's milk is so rich and whole. It lacks a strong flavor that most goat milk hinders. It stands out in nutritiously fulfilling products such as kefir, or cheeses.

Try some of our milk today!

Mountain Pride Farm
Franklin, Vermont

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our First Fair of 2009

This past weekend was the Franklin County Field Days. Our farm attended with two of our goats and did relatively well in the open dairy goat show. I showed our Oberhasli doe Sally who is in full lactation (and producing very well I might add), and Blaise showed Charlotte an Oberhasli doeling. I showed in the adult fitting and showmanship class, which I took first in. Blaise took third in his fitting and showmanship class.

In the conformation class I took fourth with Sally. For some reason all of the does in milk placed the lowest in the 12 months and older class. Blaise took fifth in a class of 6 other young doelings (which was a VERY tough class). I think the placings were very accurate in the younger doelings class however the older doe class was a mess in my honest opinion.

Despite a few issues we had a GREAT time showing and we enjoyed the weekend.