Sunday, May 31, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Never Ending to-do List
I plan to keep a customer fridge in the milk room that all established customers will be able to obtain there milk from. I will also have a small retail shelf of our soaps, maple syrup, and other farm products. The milk room should be open by mid-June.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
About the Farm

There is never a dull moment with the goats, from laying out in the paddock on a Sunday afternoon to chasing a baffled kid across the yard. Each goat is named and treated as a being - simply because they are. I run my farm with this quote in mind
“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” ~Thomas A. Edison
My goats usually begin milking in early Spring, and dry off in the Fall. The goats are hand milked twice a day, the milk is quickly chilled, filtered and placed in our customer fridge. We DO NOT use any hormones, chemicals, or ANYTHING to boost production. Each doe gives what they can give, and thats it. I respect and cherish what each doe can contribute to the milk pail and treat them all the same.
This year (2009) we will be opening our farmstand located on the Browns Corner Road in Franklin, Vermont. The stand will include fresh vegetables, homemade pies, jams, pickles, and of course Amy’s Famous Dinner Rolls will be available along with breads and the daily/weekly special. Hopes for a small year round “Localvore” store is projected for the year of 2010, containing only products made/grown locally.